Sunday, 30 September 2007
Sally 2

Chapter 17 Sally


Chapter 16 Bench

Mum, Dad and Nuns

Chapter 15

Sunny and Maurice

Chapter 14 Bible

Time in the Hotel room

I got back to the hotel the lobby was empty so I headed towards the elevator. The elevator guy asked me if I was interested in a little tail tonight. I said I was twenty-two. ‘Five bucks a throw, fifteen bucks till noon. I said ok even though it was against my principles and all, but I was feeling so depressed I didn’t think. that’s the whole trouble. When your depressed, you cant think. I said just a throw. I was sorry I let things get rolling but it was to late now. I went to my room and put some water on my hair and brushed me teeth. Then I out on a clean shirt. I was feeling pretty sexy and all. I’m a virgin. I really am. I’ve had quite a lot a opportunities to lose it, but I have never got around to doing it.
Chapter 13 Me

Thursday, 20 September 2007
Things I like (rap/poem)
Scotch and soda is my favourite drink
It ables me to give the ladies a wink
Being clean and organised is what I do best
I do it even better than any of the rest
Being a smoky Joe is all that I know
I only really do it to go with the flow
I can never go anywhere without my hunting hat
I feel 3-D and when everyone else's flat
It ables me to give the ladies a wink
Being clean and organised is what I do best
I do it even better than any of the rest
Being a smoky Joe is all that I know
I only really do it to go with the flow
I can never go anywhere without my hunting hat
I feel 3-D and when everyone else's flat
Things I hate (rap/poem)
I hate phoneys because there so lame
Everyone one of them, their all the same
People telling lies and people getting hurt
People treat others like their just like dirt
I wonder where the ducks go when it snows
I’ve asked loads of people but nobody knows
I hate the movies, their so fake
They really do my head in for goodness sake
Everyone one of them, their all the same
People telling lies and people getting hurt
People treat others like their just like dirt
I wonder where the ducks go when it snows
I’ve asked loads of people but nobody knows
I hate the movies, their so fake
They really do my head in for goodness sake
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Lillian Simmons


Chapter 12

Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Jane Gallagher
I almost was once in a movie short, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I figure if anyone hates the movies as much as I do, I’d be a phony if I let them stick me in a movie. I wouldn’t describe Jane as beautiful. She knocked me out though. She was sort of muckle-mouthed. It was always a little but open, even in her golf stance. That killed me. She read a lot of poetry and all. She was the only one I showed Allie’s baseball mitt to. She was interested in that kind of stuff. My mother didn’t think Jane was pretty, even. I did though. I just liked the way she looked that’s all. I remember this one afternoon. It was the only time old Jane and I ever got close to necking. She started to cry, the next thing I knew I was kissing her all over. Her eyes, her nose, her forehead, her eyebrows and all. She sort of would let me get to her mouth.
Chapter 11 Golf

Monday, 10 September 2007
The Lavander Room

The three girls

Allie, Phoebe and I

When she was a tiny little kid, Allie and I use to take her to the park with us, especially on Sundays. Allie had this sailboat he used to foul around with on Sundays, and we used to take old Phoebe with us. She’s wear white gloves and walk right between us, like a lady and all. And when Allie and I were having a conversation about things she would always be listening. Sometimes you would forget she was around, because she was such a little kid. She’d interrupt all the time. She killed Allie too. I mean he liked her too. She’s ten now, and not such a little kid anymore, but she still kills everybody- everybody with and sense anyway.
Chapter 10 Phoebe

Faith Cavendish

Beyond the hotel

Hotel entrance

Chapter 9 Phone booth

End of train journey

Ernest's mother

Sunday, 9 September 2007
Women on the train
All of a sudden, this women got on the train at Trenton and sat down next to me. She stuck her bag right out in the middle of the aisle. She had these orchids on. She was about forty or forty-five. She was very good looking. Women kill me. They really do. I don’t mean I’m oversexed or anything like that- although I am quiet sexy. I just lie them, I mean. there’re always leaving their goddam bags out in the middle of the aisle. She noticed I had a Pencey Prep sticker on one of my Gladstone’s . Very corny, ill admit. She asked me if I knew her son Ernest Morrow, I said yes. She asked me my name, I didn’t feel like giving her my whole life story so I told her my name was Rudolf Schmidt.
Chapter 8 On the Train

It was too late to call up for a cab or anything. So I walked the whole way to the station. It wasn’t too far, but it was cold as hell and the snow made it hard for walking, and my Gladstone’s kept banging hell out of my legs. I sort of enjoyed the air and all right under my upper lip, where Stradlater had laid one on me. My ears where warm though. I like riding trains on trains especially at night. I usually buy a ham sandwich and four magazines. I just sort of sat and not did anything. All I did was take off my hunting hat and put it in my pocket.
The plan

Everybody was asleep or out or home for the week end, and it was very depressing in the corridor. What I thought I do, I thought I might go down and see what old Mal Brossard was doing. But I changed my mind. I’d get the hell out of Pencey- right that same night and all. I mean not wait to Wednesday or anything. I just didn’t want to hang around anymore. It made me to sad and lonesome. I decided I’d take a room in New York - some very inexpensive hotel and all- and just take it easy till Wednesday. My mother gets very hysterical. She’s not to bad after she gets something thoroughly digested, though. Besides I sort or need a little vacation. My nerves where shot they really were. So that’s what I decided to do. So I went back to the room and started to pack. Old Stradlater didn’t even wake up. I lit a cigarette and got all dressed and then I packed these two Gladstone’s I have. It took me about two minutes. I’m a very rapid packer. One thing about packing depressed me a little. I had to pack these brand new ice skates my mother practically just sent me a couple of days before. That depressed me. It made me pretty sad. I counted my dough. I don’t know exactly how much but I was pretty loaded. My grandmother is pretty loaded and she sends me money for my birthday four times a year. She didn’t have all her marbles anymore. When I was all set to go, I stood for a while next to the stairs and took a last look down the goddam corridor. I put my red hunting hat on, and turned the peak around to the front and yelled at the top of my voice ‘sleep type, ya morons. Then I got the hell out.
Ackley kid
It was even depressing out on the street. You couldn’t hear any cars anymore. I got feeling so lonesome and rotten, I even felt like waking Ackley up. Ackley slept like a rock. I was sort of toying with the idea of joining a monastery. The kind of luck I have, I’d probably join one with all the wrong kind of monks in it. All stupid bastards. Or just bastards. When I said that, old Ackley sat way the hell up in bed. I got off Ely’s bed, and started towards the door. I didn’t want to hang around in that stupid atmosphere anymore. I stopped on the way, though and picked up Ackley’s hand, and gave him a big phoney handshake. He’s a prince Ackley kid. I shut the door and went down the corridor.
Ackley's room

The room stank. I could smell Ackley’s socks from way a way. I asked him if he ever sent them to the laundry. ‘if you don’t like it, you know what you can do’. He is such a witty guy. I just lay there on Ely’s bed, thinking of Jane and all. It just made me stark staring mad when I thought about her and Stradlater parked somewhere in that fat-assed Ed Banky’s car. Every time I thought about it, I felt like jumping out of the window. The thing is you didn’t know Stradlater. I knew him. Most guys at Pencey just talked about having sexual intercourse with girls all the time like Ackley, for instance- but old Stradlater really did it. I was so personally acquainted with at least two girls he gave me the time to. That’s the truth. I got up and turn off the light then laid back down on Ely’s bed again. I kept lying there in the dark, trying not to think about old Jane and Stradlater. But it was almost impossible. The trouble is I knew Stradlater’s techniques. That made it even worse. We once double dated. Stradlater was in the was in the back with his date and I was in the front with mine. He’d start snowing his date in this very quiet, sincere voice - like as if he wasn’t only very handsome guy but a nice, sincere guy, too. I damn near puked, listening to him. I don’t think he gave that girl time that night- but damn near. Damn near.
Chapter 7

The fight

I tried to sock him, with all my might, right smack in the toothbrush, so it would split his goddam throat open. Only I missed. I didn’t connect. I sort of hit him on the side of the head. It probably would’ve hurt him a lot, but I did it with my right hand, and I cant make a good fist with that hand. On account of my injury. The next thing I knew, I was on the goddam floor and he was sitting on my chest, with his face all red. He had his goddam knees on my chest, and he weighed about a ton. He had hold of my wrists, too, so I couldn’t take another sock at him. I’d’ve killed him. He kept calling me a sonovabitch and all, for around ten hours. I told him he didn’t even care if a girl kept all her kings in the back or not, and the reason he didn’t was because he was a goddam moron. He hated it when you called him a moron. He got really mad. Then he let one go at me, and the next thing I knew I was on the floor again. I don’t remember if he knocked me out or not, but I don’t think so. But my nose was bleeding all over the place. I didn’t even bother to get up, I just lay on the floor calling him a sonovabitch. I was so mad. I told him to stop of and go a give Mrs Schmidt the time. She was the goddam janitors wife. She was around sixty-five. I couldn’t find my goddam hunting hat anywhere. I’m not too tough I’m a pacifist. I had a feeling old Ackley’d probably heard all the racket. So I went through the shower curtain into his room. It always had a funny stink in it, because he was so crumby in his personal habits.

'Did you go to New York' I said. ‘Ya Crazy? How the hell could we go to New York if she only signed out for nine-thirty. 'Did you give him my regard'? I asked him. ‘Yeah’. the hell he did, the bastard. 'If you didn’t go to New York with her where did you go'? I could hardly keep my voice from shaking all over the place. I had a feeling something had gone funny. ‘Nowhere, we just sat in the goddam car. Who’s car I said?. Ed Banky’s. Ed Banky was the basketball coach at Pencey. Old Stradlater was one of his pets, because he was the centre of the team. Stradlater kept taking these shadow punches down at my shoulder. ‘What did you do’ I said?. ‘Give her the time in Ed Banky’s goddam car’. my voice was shaking something awful.

All of a sudden he said ‘for chrissake, Holden. This is about a goddam baseball glove’. you said it had to be descriptive. What the hells the difference if it’s a baseball glove. He was sore as hell. He was really furious. I went over and pulled it out of his hands. Then I tore it up and through it into the waste paper basket. Then I lay down on my be and lit a cigarette. You weren’t allowed to smoke in the dorm, but you could if everyone was asleep or out and nobody could smell the smoke. Besides I did it to annoy Stradlater. It drove him crazy when you broke any rules.
Chapter 6 Stadlater and I
Some things are hard to remember, I mean I cant remember exactly what I was doing when I heard Stradlater’s goddam stupid footsteps down the corridor. I swear I cant remember. I was so damn worried that’s why. When I really worry about something I don’t just foul around. I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something. Only I don’t go, I’m to worried to go. If you knew Stradlater you would have been worried too, I’d double dated with that bastard a couple of times, and I know what am talking about. He was unscrupulous. He really was. He came in griping about how cold it was. He started getting undressed, he didn’t say one goddam word about Jane. He asked me if I had written his goddam composition for him. I told him it was over on his goddam bed. He stood their reading it, and sort of stroking his bare chest and stomach, with a stupid expression on his face. He was always stroking his stomach or his chest. He was mad about himself.
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