'Did you go to New York' I said. ‘Ya Crazy? How the hell could we go to New York if she only signed out for nine-thirty. 'Did you give him my regard'? I asked him. ‘Yeah’. the hell he did, the bastard. 'If you didn’t go to New York with her where did you go'? I could hardly keep my voice from shaking all over the place. I had a feeling something had gone funny. ‘Nowhere, we just sat in the goddam car. Who’s car I said?. Ed Banky’s. Ed Banky was the basketball coach at Pencey. Old Stradlater was one of his pets, because he was the centre of the team. Stradlater kept taking these shadow punches down at my shoulder. ‘What did you do’ I said?. ‘Give her the time in Ed Banky’s goddam car’. my voice was shaking something awful.
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