The bellboy that showed me to the room was this very old guy around sixty-five. He was more depressing than the room was. He was one of those bold guys that comb all their hair over from the side to cover up the baldness. I’d rather be bald than do that. After he left I looked out the window for a while. You’d be surprised what goes on on the other side of the hotel. I saw one guy, grey haired, very distinguished-looking guy with only shorts on, doing something you wouldn’t believe if I told you. First he put his suitcase on the bed. Then took out all these women’s clothes and put them on. I swear to god. I saw a man and a women squirting water out their mouths at each other. They were in hysterics the whole time. The trouble was this sort of junk is sort of fascinating to watch. I mean that’s my trouble. In my mind I’m probably the biggest sex manic you ever saw. Sex is something I really don’t understand too hot. I swear to god I don’t.
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