Sunday, 9 September 2007

Chapter 6 Stadlater and I

Some things are hard to remember, I mean I cant remember exactly what I was doing when I heard Stradlater’s goddam stupid footsteps down the corridor. I swear I cant remember. I was so damn worried that’s why. When I really worry about something I don’t just foul around. I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something. Only I don’t go, I’m to worried to go. If you knew Stradlater you would have been worried too, I’d double dated with that bastard a couple of times, and I know what am talking about. He was unscrupulous. He really was. He came in griping about how cold it was. He started getting undressed, he didn’t say one goddam word about Jane. He asked me if I had written his goddam composition for him. I told him it was over on his goddam bed. He stood their reading it, and sort of stroking his bare chest and stomach, with a stupid expression on his face. He was always stroking his stomach or his chest. He was mad about himself.

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